Our Services

Combining market data with fundamental financial competencies, we support critical decision making with essential advice and information.

Bookkeeping & Accounting

Accounting is the lifeblood of any organization. Therefore, it is critically important that that an organization can always accurately manage their books and track the appropriate and correct metrics. As such, PGA assists companies with cleaning up their books, as well as maintaining and analyzing their financial health on a regular basis by providing the following specific standard activities:

Monthly Financial Statements

Your business should always have accurate monthly financial statements and employ a streamlined accounting process.

Account Reconciliations & Bookkeeping

Administrative tasks, finance operations and daily accounting take founder focus away from their highest value. Let us help instead!

GAAP & Cash Reporting

Are you following all the generally accepted accounting principles? We can help make sure your business is squeaky clean when it comes to GAAP and cash reporting.

Clean up Books & Internal Review

Moving forward with a merger or acquisition requires clean books. This can be a daunting task if you've been in business for years. We can help you clean up your books so they are prepared to be audited.

Accounts Payables & Receivables

Is your business leaving money on the table? Or even worse - do you owe money? Let us help you figure out who you owe and who owes you.

Let Us Help You Navigate Your Next Steps.

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